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Special Teams and Capabilities

County Animal Response Team (CART) 

Who: Team of all backgrounds and professional disciples

Purpose: Assisting animals before, during, and after disasters; sheltering, field rescue, outreach, and education for natural disasters and large-scale animal cruelty cases

Meetings: first Thursday of every month

Team Chief: Megan Arsenault​​​​

Incident Management Team (IMT)
Who: Primarily compromised of Fire, Police, EMS Chiefs, and volunteers 
Purpose: Respond to local and regional incidents to provide incident management and ICS supportTeam Chief: Nate Schools​​​​​​​​

Unmanned Aerial System (UAS)

Who: Licensed pilots, support staff and volunteers

Purpose: The “Drone Team” is a YCEMA deployable asset which aids in search and rescue, law enforcement incidents, fires, and natural hazards​​​​​​ 

Team Chief: Marc Brunelle​​​​

Hazmat Team  

Emergency Communications Team

Who: HAM amateur radio operators 

Purpose: Supports EMA as the third backup communication system for all York County Towns, as well support communications for all shelters and Local Directors in York County

Team Chief: Neil Tolman

Tactical Dispatch

Who: Professional dispatchers

Purpose: On-scene direct dispatcher who deploys as a mobile unit in Command One to incidents

Team Chief: Darcy Valido

Command One Vehicle 

Mobile Command Center

Full suite of technology

Deployable asset to emergency incidents or sites

The only county in Maine to have such an asset 

Special Teams and Capabilities: Services


Special Teams and Capabilities: Portfolio
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