Special Teams and Capabilities
County Animal Response Team (CART)
Who: Team of all backgrounds and professional disciples
Purpose: Assisting animals before, during, and after disasters; sheltering, field rescue, outreach, and education for natural disasters and large-scale animal cruelty cases
Meetings: first Thursday of every month
Team Chief: Megan Arsenault
Incident Management Team (IMT)
Who: Primarily compromised of Fire, Police, EMS Chiefs, and volunteers
Purpose: Respond to local and regional incidents to provide incident management and ICS support Team Chief: Nate Schools
Unmanned Aerial System (UAS)
Who: Licensed pilots, support staff and volunteers
Purpose: The “Drone Team” is a YCEMA deployable asset which aids in search and rescue, law enforcement incidents, fires, and natural hazards
Policy: York County UAS Team Operating Policy
Team Chief: Marc Brunelle
Emergency Communications Team
Who: HAM amateur radio operators
Purpose: Supports EMA as the third backup communication system for all York County Towns, as well support communications for all shelters and Local Directors in York County
Team Chief: Neil Tolman
Tactical Dispatch
Who: Professional dispatchers
Purpose: On-scene direct dispatcher who deploys as a mobile unit in Command One to incidents
Team Chief: Darcy Valido
Command One Vehicle
Mobile Command Center
Full suite of technology
Deployable asset to emergency incidents or sites
The only county in Maine to have such an asset
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